Sample Request Form

Please use the form shown here to request samples to be delivered.
As part of our customer service, we always try to respond quickly, and to get the samples delivered by hand.

Please note the cost to provide and deliver samples is substantial and we cannot supply samples free of charge in all cases. Quantities over 10 tiles will be invoiced prior to delivery and refunded off first order.

Please send us details of your project, together with quantities and timescales if possible.
We will contact you prior to sending samples out to confirm your requirements, so please provide your day time contact details with your sample request.

Your name:

Your email:

Your phone number:

Your Address (Including Postcode):

Leave this empty:

Your message:

Anti-Spam code: Please enter HUMAN above to prove you are a real person

Tudor Roof Tiles
Dengemarsh Road, Lydd,
Kent, TN29 9JH


Phone: 01797 320202
