Here are a few photos of tile making on our factory. Please call us to arrange a factory visit.
The Etruria Marl clay we use is delivered ready processed and quality checked.... then its literally all 'hand on'.
start with the clay
the mould
put sand in the mould
now place the clay
extra clay forms nibs
bang twice for hardness
the clay pressed
cut the thickness
remove from mould
trim clay excess
on drying tray
drying stillage ready for drying
That is the tile made .... then it is dried for a minimum of 6 days to remove 99.8% of the moisture. Each tile is then fired to approximately 1080 degree C which takes 33 hours. When cool, tiles are sorted for quality and colour, palletised and wrapped, then sent to stock area (currently holding over 1,000,000 tiles) ready for delivery.