Dating back as far as the 12th and 13th centuries, the name ‘peg tile’, originally came from the softwood pegs, which were driven through two holes in the top edge of the tiles which allowed them to hang on laths or battens.
As the original peg and plain roof tiles were made by local or travelling craftsmen who relied on hand moulding and simple firing techniques, the tiles they produced had a wide variation of size, texture, camber and colour.
This was despite the Royal Charter of 1477 which aimed to standardise the size of peg tiles
Eventually, the widespread use of traditional peg tiles gradually declined with the introduction of handmade ‘plain tiles’ where the wooden pegs were replaced by clay nibs formed into the tile from which to hang the tiles.
This reduced the cost and made the fixing of the tiles easier.
Then, even cheaper mass-produced machine-made clay and concrete roof tiles became available in the 1900's
In recent years, tighter planning regulations and recognition of the need to conserve our historic buildings with locally obtained sustainable and more visually sympathetic materials has resulted in a renewed interest.
Tudor Roof Tile is one of the few remaining English manufacturers, who still use traditional tile making skills which are combined with modern advanced firing to give the final product exceptional performance and durability.
Increasingly, new property owners are asking their architects for a ‘wow’ factor external appearance. Here again the bespoke handmade peg tile proves to meet all requirements for aesthetics and performance at a realistic cost.
Available in almost any size, with single or double camber, a wide range of colour options, and matching ornamental tiles, they are adding value, character and individuality to modern properties.
For those architects and conservationists wanting to create a roof that is very much rooted in our architectural heritage, the Handmade Peg Tile is still a very attractive option.
Tudor roof tiles are available from leading roofing and builders merchants.
For more Tudor's office and talk to us on 01797 320202, or telephone Tudor's Area Managers direct (telephone numbers found on Tudor 'about us' page ...
Tudor roof tiles, offer top quality English handmade plain and peg tiles at competitive prices